All natural acne skin care

« ...Papules are usually quite small and elevated. Also, they usually don't have a visible "head". You should never try to squeeze them so as to minimize the potential of permanent scars....
...Although the cause of acne is not fully understood, it is believed to occur when the sebaceous glands increase their production of the oily sebum, which appears to be promoted by hormonal activity. Sebum mixes with dead skin cells to block the pores in the skin and this mass become infected with bacteria. Your body's immune system reacts to cause inflammation and the formation of pus, the detritus of white blood cells that have been active in destroying the bacteria....»
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«...In addition, to the immediate impact that acne has on appearance, acne can also produce negative effects into the future. In particular, is the issue of acne scarring. Scars caused by acne can be lifelong and quite disfiguring. Recommendations for the elimination of these scars usually involve the use of harsh procedures such as microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, chemical peels, etc....»
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tags: essential fatty acid dosage acne, prevention of acne and pimples, how to get rid of acne redness